Tough Economy Got You Down?

Laurel makes everyone relax

(excerpted from Get Magazine, Mike Ritz, 11/08)

“Cold Weather clouds blocking your sun?  Looking for a stress reliever?  Experience Laurel Casey.”

“Laurel doesn’t just sing or put on a cabaret show, she creates a nightly experience that engages the audience on a level usually found at an AA meeting.  Speaking of which: We’re addicted to Laurel!  Come see the show that never stands still!

“Laurel’s voice is filled with emotion and beauty.  Her 1920s – 1930s depression era songs are exquisite.  Her comedic diatribes hones, bold and hilarious.  If her unpredictable behavior and passionate voice don’t have you on the edge of your seat, nothing will.”

 — Get R.I. Magazine

At Liberty

At the present moment, for example, right this second, I am at liberty. This is by choice, for the first time in my life, really, and it feels right. This libertine status allows me time to search out the perfect venue for my abilities and disabilities. Perfect means, perfect for both myself AND the venue. I know the place exists and therefore the search begins, and it acknowledges no boundary. By Land, Sea or Air… the world is still an oyster.

Attention Chinese Restaurants!

a revolutionary traditionalistIt has been a couple of months since my performance of Vermont Folk Music. As you know, I reinterpreted such songs as Blowin In The Wind in an effort to reveal the Far Eastern roots that have for so long been overlooked by my fellow Vermonters. I feel a deep connection to this music and look forward to contacting every Chinese restaurant in the D.C. area this coming month so that I can continue to be an Ambassador of a new Vermont product: Maple Syrup laced with soy sauce.